You Are A Child of God

As you’re considering the perfect gift this holiday season, please direct your attention to You Are A Child of God. This faith-based coloring book by author Michelle Fritch was a beautiful gift and reminder for baby Louis. Out of the depths of her love, Michelle created this book to remind her friend’s precious baby how he is wonderfully made by our Heavenly Father.
This story touched a special place in my heart. You see when my niece was pregnant with her first son, Oliver, the doctors gathered us in his office to break the news that something was wrong. Oliver was missing a small mid-section of his brain. As we listened, it felt like a kick right to our stomachs as the words shocked us all to our core. The doctor offered different options. We gathered ourselves the best we could from where we sat and made our way to the front to exit the office. I went right into reassuring my niece that no matter what, this baby was going to be so loved!
Fast forward five years, and Oliver is thriving! He is a precious and beautiful little boy experiencing and enjoying life. I’m so thankful my niece didn’t accept the options offered to her but carried this baby to term and delivered him!
Oliver may never learn any of these facts as he grows. However, he is walking, talking, living proof of how great our God truly is! Oliver is a child of God!
We all are children of God! Let the scriptures encourage you!
This coloring book provides a way to calm your heart and mind as you read the words to your child. Then, allow them to color the different pages. It is also great for you to allow your inner child to experience the soothing practice of “coloring.” This would be a perfect activity to incorporate into a relaxing nighttime routine.
Please consider this as a special gift for someone you love this holiday season. Everyone needs the reminder through God’s word, and we can draw closer to Him even through something as simple as a coloring book!
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Many thanks to GoodWorks Mission for providing a sample of this product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own!