We Care Wednesday: God’s Artistry
Take a look around you. What do you see? Do you stop to notice a lavender sunset? Do you wonder at the beauty of a sunrise on a spring day? Do you notice the different shapes of clouds floating above you? All of these things are God’s artistry in action. Each and every thing on earth is God’s artistry in action; every single thing. That includes you and I.
We are masterpieces of God’s artistry; each of us in our own special way. You may wonder how can we be a masterpiece when some are born with some sort of difficulty. God creates us in a certain way as a start to our canvas. He then gives us the chance to take that canvas, add brush strokes to create ourselves into the masterpiece of our choosing.
In our world here on earth, we treasure masterpieces of art and handle them with utmost care. Yet, we don’t do this with ourselves or those around us much of the time. Should we not consider each and every person and creation of God a masterpiece to treasure and nurture? We have the chance to paint brush strokes on the canvases of others with our words and actions. Should we not take care in what we say and do to others so as to not discolor their masterpiece?
You are a masterpiece. Treasure yourself and those around you as such.
August 13, 2014 @ 1:02 pm
We are God’s work of art and he made us all different. We should embrace our differences.
August 13, 2014 @ 1:06 pm
I totally agree with that Tara.
August 13, 2014 @ 7:36 pm
Nice to remember. 🙂
August 13, 2014 @ 7:57 pm
Amen to that – I praise God the He made the art we see and pray that that amazing potter can form me to be like Him. 🙂