Equestrian Ministries
If you have been with us for any length of time, you know that we have a special fondness and love for gentle giants, aka horses! These massive creatures leave us in awe each time as we watch them in all of their greatness and marvel at these gorgeous animals that God has given us.
Here at Light Love Hope we strive to share the message of God’s light in the dark world that we are living in, His unconditional, never ending love for us, and hope for a future and for eternal life in Heaven with Him!
Last year we became horse owners. It is something that we have always dreamed of and had an interest in, but we hadn’t taken that step. When we did, though, we jumped in with both feet into horse ownership and now have two paint horses, a dark bay quarter horse, a pinto pony, and a Shetland pony. We feel we have a good mix, and oh boy do we love to gaze out at them in our yard as they are grazing.
During this past year as we’ve adjusted to life on the ranch tending to our beauties, we wondered if there was a way to incorporate the two things that our family is passionate about: Jesus Christ and our horses. After researching this topic, we found that there IS a way to do both, and so we have just recently joined the Equestrian Ministries in our state!
What, exactly, is the Equestrian Ministries and what do we do? We are a nonprofit, nondenominational organization consisting of individuals and fellowships throughout the state that have united under a mutually agreed upon statement of faith for the purpose of fellowship and ministry to our local communities. We believe there is one God who exists in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the Bible and the words that God has given us to live by. We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, that He walked the face of this earth and lived a sinless life. We believe He performed miracles, and we believe that He died on the cross for all of our sins so that we may have eternal life through Him. We believe that He rose from the dead, is now in Heaven, and that one day soon, He will come back for His children. We also believe that we were made in the image of God, but we have been corrupted by the sin in the world. However, there is still hope for lost souls if they believe in Jesus, have faith in Him, and ask Him into their hearts. Their sins will be washed away, and they will have the gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ!
We are very excited as we embark on this new journey with the Equestrian Ministries. We ask for prayer as we reach out to those in the community. Everyone needs Jesus, even people that ride horses! Why not try to reach as many people as we can, in whatever ways that we can? That is what we are here on this earth to do – to share Jesus with lost souls.
Joining the Equestrian Ministries wasn’t just a move to ensure that we get to go trail riding. No, no, no. It’s a much bigger picture than this. Sure, we love trail riding like the next horse person, but it’s about believers coming together to share the message of Jesus. Do I like the fact that we will be camping out and riding the trails with people of faith? Yes! Absolutely! I don’t have to worry about what my ten year old will be subjected to while on a trail ride now, nor do I have to worry about conversation around the camp fire. I have the assurance with the company that we will be keeping that there won’t be anything that her little eyes shouldn’t see or her little ears shouldn’t hear.
But, there’s more.
My daughters will get to share in this with us as much as they would like to be involved. We will use our horses not just for pleasure, enjoyment, and the thrill of the ride. Now we will be using the strong and mighty creatures that God has given us for His Honor and His Glory as we try to lead people to Christ.
Pray for us as we embark on this new journey.
After writing this post, I saw where Karen used the prompt word “Dream” for Tuesday At Ten. It seems to fit right in with our post, so I am sharing it on her blog as well for the link up today. Join us!
March 24, 2015 @ 10:36 pm
I’ve never heard of this before but it’s so neat! Such a beautiful way to express yourself by doing something you love but using it more purposefully to spread the gospel.