Finding Freedom In Our Stories
I love being a part of the (in)courage community. At a time when I felt at my absolute lowest, these group of ladies stepped in and filled a large void in my life. When I was hurting, they were there waiting to offer beautiful words of support to soothe my aching heart. They were prayer warriors standing in the gap for me and my family.
As time marched on, I was given the opportunity to serve as an (in)courager! I had a chance to give back to ladies around the globe. This was huge for me to come full circle like this. Now it was MY turn to love, support, encourage, and pray for precious ladies that became a part of the (in)courage community.
One thing this community has made clear from the very start is that everyone has a story, and everyone’s story matters! It truly does. I have found such freedom in being able to share my story, and just as we’ve tried to always do here at Light Love Hope, we want you to share your story as well! We know that there are times that things just hurt, and to share your story would mean to touch that hurt once more. We shy away from re-hashing the gory details because of the pain involved. We have already experienced it one time, surely re-living it will only intensify the pain, we think. However, there is an overwhelming amount of freedom that comes in sharing our stories. It releases the hold that the pain of the past has on us. Yes, we have to walk through the pain to get through the other side, but once you do this, guess what? You are a survivor! You have not only survived, but you’ve thrived!
When you once felt like all you had was a great, big mess, God has taken your mess and has made such a powerful message out of it.
Think of the impact that telling your story could have on others around you. Maybe you have felt so alone in what you’ve had to endure on your journey, but you know what? I’d be willing to bet that you’re NOT alone and that someone somewhere right this very minute needs to hear your story! Telling your story, sharing all of the details, will release the hold it has on you, and it will also help someone that needs to hear that they’re not alone, you’ve felt this way, too, you’ve struggled, you’ve cried, you’ve prayed, pleaded, begged, and have even gotten angry at times, but you’ve lived to tell about it … and they can, too! If they only hold on a little longer, a little tighter. If they only grab a hold of your hand, you’ll help them … even if all you can do is listen, pray with them, and pray for them. That is something right there that is so very powerful!
I read a quote a few weeks ago that touched me because it rings true! I even put it on my Facebook page as a status update because I love things that make you think but also that encourages and helps you along this path.
When you can tell your story and it no longer hurts, you know you have healed. ~Anonymous
There is such power in these words. Yes, it hurts to tell your story initially, but in doing so, it is helping you to heal. It encourages others struggling with the very same thing, and your story gives others hope!
When once your story was almost completely emotionally crippling to tell, you have walked the path, and on your journey you have armed yourself with faith, love, hope, and your greatest weapon has been prayers to your Almighty God above! Now you can tell your story without the gripping pain in and through your heart, and in doing so, you find such sweet freedom from what once held you hostage.
All of the writers here at Light Love Hope and everyone at (in)courage stands behind you supporting you and holding you up as you find your brave courage to speak up and speak out as you share your story and find such incredible freedom!
Together we are finding freedom in our stories!
Read my story by clicking here.
July 6, 2014 @ 9:21 am
Did you read my thoughts before I wrote them down? I struggle with this. A lot. Because my story still makes me cry. And I have shared it many times. Perseverance. I know it well.
July 6, 2014 @ 9:10 pm
I understand those feelings so well, Michelle. You are making great progress, sweetie. I’m here for you any time you need a shoulder to cry on. I mean that.