Close – Five Minute Friday
You know what time it is, right? It’s time for FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY!!!
Today’s prompt word is CLOSE.
Are you ready to write without regarding to getting it “just” right? Set your timer and see where your mind takes you!
Near or far, where ever you are … you’re always close to my heart.
Though miles may separate us and people threaten to prevent us from being together, they cannot take this from us. Ever. We are always together and close because of the connection of our heart.
I’ll never forget when my daughter was younger and red faced with tears streaming had to go with her dad every other weekend and weeks in the summer for visitation. She was only a year old when we separated, and this was hard on her to be away from me just as much as it was for me to be away from her. She was so little and didn’t understand what was going on and why we had to be apart. As the years went by, she understood a little more, but it did not stop the tears from flowing each and every time we had to be apart. I would lean in close to her and whisper that she was always in my heart just like I was always in her heart. I would reassure her that no one could ever take that away from us. Ever! Although we weren’t allowed to talk on the phone even at that point when she had to be away, she could rest in the assurance of my love and that although we were separated by many miles between us … we were always close because of the love we have in our hearts for each other.
Now, my daughter is older … entering her Senior year in the Fall. She will be preparing to go out into the real world after graduation. She’ll be preparing to leave for college. She admitted yesterday that she’s excited yet frightened for this last year of high school. I leaned in close once more and whispered that no matter what she will always be in my heart just like I am always in her heart. No one will ever be able to take that away from us … no miles … no distance … nothing! We will always be close and connected at the heart because of the strong love and mother/daughter bond that we share.
May 23, 2014 @ 11:48 am
Loved your post today. This is my first posting on Five minute Fridays. I’m too in this same season with my middle son. He just finished his junior year in high school but can graduate early (just 2.5 credits left). He is so anxious to be an adult and done with school. You’d think I’d be better at this with one son off on his own about five years ago but it is just as hard. We are a blended family and my oldest is my bonus son so it is somewhat different this time around. Blessings on continued writings. Happy to have run across your blog.
May 23, 2014 @ 12:13 pm
Aww, Sherry! I’m so glad you’ve joined the Five Minute Friday crew! I have been doing this for about a year now, and I love it. I look forward to it every week. Welcome aboard! We’re so glad to have you!!
Thank you for what you said! You know exactly the feelings I expressed as you’re feeling them, too! Oh sweet Mom, we’re in this together! We can lean on each other for support in the days to come. ((hugs to you))
May 23, 2014 @ 12:16 pm
So sweet! I have grown up girls, both now out of college, but I feel the same. We are separated by many miles yet that heart connection remains strong and comforting. Best wishes to your daughter as she graduates!
May 23, 2014 @ 12:47 pm
Thank you so much, Joyce! You inspire me simply because you have gone through all of this (it’s hard!!!) and have lived to tell about it! Your love shines through in your words, and I know your girls feel that love so strongly!
May 23, 2014 @ 10:59 pm
Close…close? what does that really mean? that was close call..we are so very close. i think of close as two people, brother sister, husband wife to people. sharing a common goal. team mates so to speak. a football team can be close. a close knit group. or a trauma team in hospital at times has to be close in order to function as group, react without thinking of asking. Husband wife, close, to now what the other needs without asking …just “knowing” brother and sister close, knowing what is hurting the other or knowing what makes them happy ..or in some case knowing JUST what button to push then you hear MOM HE’S TOUCHING ME! close means a many things in many ways. But though out all that it means , to just know that other person, to know what needs to be done to complete a task score a touchdown or save a life. Family is close, ..from years of growing up around one another. co workers that just know how the other one operates and when they are “off their game” Being close to another human being is natural. it’s a need for humans. we can’t go through life being detached from others. accept it, embrace it, live it breath it. cherish those close ties you have. one of my most favorite sayings is and I’ll take a little license to make it fit into the theme of this ” Good friends offer a shoulder when you need to cry. Close friends are there with a shovel to beat up who made you cry.
May 23, 2014 @ 11:16 pm
How beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on Five Minute Friday!
May 23, 2014 @ 11:28 pm
Always welcome, so glad you are enjoying them